How To Optimize Year-End Reviews With Remote Employees To Boost Retention
As the year begins to wind down, many companies are preparing to conduct end-of-year performance reviews with their teams. Particularly for managers of remote teams, having a productive review is a crucial way for employees to understand how they’ve been performing, whether they are doing what’s expected of them and how they can improve. When employees feel valued and confident in their contributions, they’re more likely to stick around.
Managers have to ensure that these meetings with remote employees are constructive and conducted in a beneficial, efficient way or their team members may not get much value out of them and start wondering if they should find another place to work. Here, 16 members of Forbes Coaches Council share tips for ensuring end-of-year reviews with remote employees are conducted in a productive way that improves retention.
12 Ways Senior Leaders Can Ensure Business Runs Smoothly When They’re Away
Guiding a company’s operations and its team comes with many challenges, keeping senior leaders engaged every hour of the day. Like everyone else, though, there will be times when a leader has to be away from the job, whether because they’re on vacation, traveling for business, recovering from illness or another reason. That’s why it’s essential to have the structure and plans in place to ensure the company can run smoothly—even in your absence.
With the right planning and help from an engaged team, a business can keep firing on all cylinders even when one or more members of the leadership team are away. Here, 12 members of Forbes Coaches Council discuss important steps senior leaders can take to ensure that their company continues to run smoothly, even when they aren’t present.
16 Ways To Remove Unconscious Bias From The Hiring Process
There aren’t many business leaders today who would admit to being swayed by bias. However, even the most open-minded leaders can be influenced by unconscious biases of their own or those of others.
Every company today understands the benefits of building a diverse team. Before they can, however, company leaders must understand what kind of unconscious biases exist among senior leadership, HR staff, hiring managers and even a candidate’s potential teammates. Then, they need to find ways to overcome these biases—particularly during the hunt for new talent.
Here, 16 professionals from Forbes Coaches Council recommend some important steps that every company can take to remove unconscious bias from the hiring process.

Find, Fix, Fill your Leadership Gap
Even the most talented and well-meaning leaders have blind-spots. Gaps in their awareness impact teamwork, create conflict, lead to a loss of talent.
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