16 Ways To Remove Unconscious Bias From The Hiring Process
There aren’t many business leaders today who would admit to being swayed by bias. However, even the most open-minded leaders can be influenced by unconscious biases of their own or those of others.
Every company today understands the benefits of building a diverse team. Before they can, however, company leaders must understand what kind of unconscious biases exist among senior leadership, HR staff, hiring managers and even a candidate’s potential teammates. Then, they need to find ways to overcome these biases—particularly during the hunt for new talent.
Here, 16 professionals from Forbes Coaches Council recommend some important steps that every company can take to remove unconscious bias from the hiring process.
No In-Person Meetings? 14 Ways Stay In Touch With Team Members
A company is only as effective as its leadership. Good leadership needs to cover the entire range of an organization’s operations. Not only does this support the practical aspects of the business’s production, but also its administrative sector.
Unfortunately, gaps in leadership aren’t immediately apparent because of how complex some company structures are. Companies that fail to address these gaps could see potentially damaging fallout from a lack of guidance in specific departments.
To help, these 14 professionals from Forbes Coaches Councilexamine several practical strategies that businesses can implement to figure out their leadership gaps and what steps the company should take to plug those holes.
15 Practices Good Managers Can Adopt To Become Great Managers
In business, there are good managers, and then there are those who go the extra mile to become great managers. These leaders know how to show that they care about others, take responsibility for their actions and leverage their communication skills to help their team members and company succeed.
The members of Forbes Coaches Council are always busy helping clients take their leadership from good to great. That’s why we asked a panel of them to share practices that can help you take your performance as a manager to the next level.
Find, Fix, Fill your Leadership Gap
Even the most talented and well-meaning leaders have blind-spots. Gaps in their awareness impact teamwork, create conflict, lead to a loss of talent.
“Your session last week was really good and I am excited to read your book and apply it to my HR career.”