

Candice Gottlieb-Clark is a proud contributor to several publications and online forums. In each post, Candice shares her wisdom and ideas with the global community.

15 Common Leadership Communication Problems (And How To Correct Them)

One of the biggest challenges of being a leader is communicating effectively with a variety of stakeholders. Even the most competent leaders can sometimes have difficulties communicating with their clients, teams and supervisors. However, honing your communication skills and learning how to get your message across clearly is the key to successful leadership.

To help, we asked members of Forbes Coaches Council what common communication problems they see among business leaders. Here are 15 issues they’ve spotted and how they recommend correcting and overcoming them.

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Identifying Leadership Gaps: 14 Strategies That Work

A company is only as effective as its leadership. Good leadership needs to cover the entire range of an organization’s operations. Not only does this support the practical aspects of the business’s production, but also its administrative sector.

Unfortunately, gaps in leadership aren’t immediately apparent because of how complex some company structures are. Companies that fail to address these gaps could see potentially damaging fallout from a lack of guidance in specific departments.

To help, these 14 professionals from Forbes Coaches Council examine several practical strategies that businesses can implement to figure out their leadership gaps and what steps the company should take to plug those holes.

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15 Smart Negotiating Techniques For Business Professionals

Coming to a consensus and closing a deal both rely heavily on the ability to negotiate. Business professionals utilize negotiation both with employees and investors, whether it’s in negotiating their salary or discussing future investments.

Negotiation isn’t a skill that arises from nothing, however. It requires a technique to properly execute and usually demands understanding of the other person to some extent.

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Find, Fix, Fill your Leadership Gap

Even the most talented and well-meaning leaders have blind-spots. Gaps in their awareness impact teamwork, create conflict, lead to a loss of talent.

“Your session last week was really good and I am excited to read your book and apply it to my HR career.”

Stephanie Garrett, Human Resources Manager at City of Federal Heights
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