

Candice Gottlieb-Clark is a proud contributor to several publications and online forums. In each post, Candice shares her wisdom and ideas with the global community.

How To Align Employee Goals And Company Strategy: 18 Leadership Tips

Before encouraging employees to set professional development goals, managers must coach each employee on where they are showing the most promise and on what may be holding them back. Then, help each to imagine how attending to either of these might impact their career. Further, make them aware that specialized skills are often far more valuable than generalized ability. – Candice Gottlieb-Clark, Dynamic Team Solutions

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How To Prioritize Employee Well-Being As A Startup Leader

A leader who cares about their people will dive deeply into role clarity. Ensuring each person knows their role and how it interrelates with others is critical to teamwork and organizational success. This enhances trust and leads to better accountability. In turn, your people will feel valued and connected.  – Candice Gottlieb-Clark, Dynamic Team Solutions

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15 Reasons To Be Cautious About Using AI In Coaching

AI lacks learned experience—not “data” learning, but “felt” learning. Emotions will never be fully understood through complex data mining. Yet, emotional responsiveness is key to successful coaching. It determines whether to press on further or accept information at face value. This is second nature to a human, who can then use this “read” to offer guidance and compassion with the heart in mind. – Candice Gottlieb-Clark, Dynamic Team Solutions

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Find, Fix, Fill your Leadership Gap

Even the most talented and well-meaning leaders have blind-spots. Gaps in their awareness impact teamwork, create conflict, lead to a loss of talent.

“Your session last week was really good and I am excited to read your book and apply it to my HR career.”

Stephanie Garrett, Human Resources Manager at City of Federal Heights
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